Sunday, 5 June 2011

Wk6, D7, I can now run for 25 minutes!

I woke up a lot during the night feeling bloated and a tad uncomfortable. I had my 25 minute run on getrunning to do today and I wanted to do it this morning before the day got too warm. I know I needed to have some water and some porridge for energy but I was still full from last night. I had the porridge anyway just in case I collapsed from the lack of energy or something, I mean,

I've never run for 25 minutes in. my. life! 

so had no idea what sort of effect it would have on my body. Hubby came with me. I find it's good to have someone there, particularly him, because although he can go much farther and faster than me he just plods along beside me not pushing me to go faster or anything like that. Its good to keep the pace with someone. I also take his phone with me too to track with Runkeeper. Unfortunately my, very old fashioned, iPhone 3s does not multi task the apps and my upgrade isn't due till December!

So anyway I started out with the 5 minute warm up walk then started on the run, my right knee immediately buckled for the first two steps. I thought, "uh oh I might not be able to do this", but on the 3rd step it sorted itself out, thankfully it was fine from then on. When the lady voice told me I was 1/2 way I did think at that point "blimey this is going to be hard" because I was starting to feel a bit acidic or almost a bit sick in my stomach just below my ribs. The tow path was busy this morning with other runners and cyclists and I didn't want to be seen throwing up in the bushes! I brushed the thought aside and concentrated on my music. Then I had run for 15 minutes. Yay! Then I had the last 5 minutes, My legs were OK, the sick feeling had subsided my breathing was good but getting really heavy, then I had 60 seconds to go, I picked up my pace a bit and DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

It was hard, but I felt really really great!!And it rained from the minute I got home for the rest of the day. Next week is 3 x 25 minute runs and I don't have a worry about that at all. I know by the 3rd run I will be eager to do more.  

Wk6 day 3 getrunning, walk back tracked by runkeeper burning 618 Calories
Salad and fruit salad
Baked beans on toast


  1. Well done - feels great doesn't it! I am off out tomorrow morning for my 2nd run of week 7. Last time out I managed to do 28 minutes, so hopefully tomorrow will be OK, that said I did go cycling today so my legs might be a little more tired than usual!

  2. It does feel great Sam. I'm actually quite excited about do the next three! It's a bit weird me saying that though! :-/
