Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Week 41 - Furthest distance and other stuff

I ran non stop for 8k/4.9miles while I was away at the weekend. It was going to be a 6.5k run but I jogged the 5 minute warm up and then just carried on along a river, around a citadel, through the woods and back to the hotel. It took me an hour to do so I reckon my 10k with take about 1hr 20 minutes. It is slow but I'm not trying to break any records. I just want to have done it.
My original plan was to increase my distance by 0.5k each week but now I think I will do another 8k this week and then maybe some 9k's next week. After a long spell of relatively mild weather here in the south east of Blighty we now have a very very cold snap which I hope won't last too long as I fear it will put me off going outside.

While my kitchen is being renovated I have no washing machine and no means of cooking food apart from the kettle and toaster. My new, all singing, all dancing combo microwave was going to arrive last week until they realised they had my address down wrong. Typically they couldn't just deliver to my correct address. I had to phone John Lewis (a department store, for my non UK readers) to get them to right my address then they resent the info and I have to wait, it seems, another week! Meanwhile, it should be easy to "just eat salads" but when you want it to be bit more interesting the amount of hidden calories in a seemingly healthy salad accompaniment is astonishing! Bread has become the easiest staple in the last week or two!
I also have to visit the local laundrette at least once a week with each wash load costing a whopping £3.50!!!! The washing machines, I might add, are also rubbish at washing too! I usually use my machine at home every other day as I have a sports wash and a 15 minute wash cycle which are both excellent for mud splattered, sweaty running gear. What with no clean clothes and its freezing out I'm full of excuses for staying in snuggled in front of the telly with toasted bagels, crumpets, muffins, hot cross buns, well hey, if it fits in the toaster it will get toasted.

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