It wasn't quite as bad as the picture but you get the idea!
Later in the day after doing a bit of work the rain stopped and the ground started to dry up. I wanted to start my week 7 of getrunning today even though I am supposed to have two days rest from yesterdays run. But we are away at the weekend and it wouldn't have worked out well (where we are going is too hilly). So, after looking at the sky for a bit I decided to go out and do my next 25 minute run.The first 10 minutes was really hard. My breathing wasn't deep enough and I was thinking how far this 25 minutes will take me and how hard it was going to be. I was literally willing the first 5 minutes to hurry up. After 10 minutes my breathing got better and I evened out my pace a bit. I was enjoying the music; Black Eyed Peas, Lady GaGa and Euphoria, which reminds me, I must get some more tracks on my ipod! My thighs, however began to feel tight and heavy, like lead. I had this once before, weeks ago when I ran late in the afternoon.
At the end I felt exhilarated! I managed 25 minutes on my own without hubby to keep pace. It was hard but I am ready to do it again. I think it was tough today because, I ran most of my station walk in the morning, I should have had 2 days rest and I ran in the late afternoon, a long time after my porridge (which I think is the best pre-run food).
Day 1, week 7 of getrunning, station walk/run and return walk from the run burning 804 calories!!!
Porridge (see recipes)
Boiled eggs x 2 with salad and ryvita
10g mini pretzels
Oatcakes, cheese , grapes
2 glasses of wine
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