Thursday, 10 November 2011

Week 29, Day 3 + 4

I ran most of the way to the station this morning and managed a great time of 18.22 minutes! I still need to beat my pb on the same route of 16.29 minutes, but it felt great to finally be able to run without fear of a flare up. I did sit down at the computer quite a lot too which made my back a bit stiff, but once up and moving about it eased up fairly quickly.
My eating was fairly good all day too but I overdid it in the evening by a couple 100 calories. It was however, within my allowance plus the calories burned by the run.

Exercise = 180 calories
Food = 1631calories

Woohoo! I managed 17.40 minutes to the station this morning! I also went out for my run. I skipped run 3 of week 3 and went straight onto week 4 which is 2 x 3 minutes and 2 x 5 minute runs with walks between. I must admit the 5 minute runs where a bit tough on my lungs and my legs were getting a bit tight too. Towards the end of the runs the commentator on the running programme said "fantastic" at which point I, very gratefully, stopped running at which she then said "you have just 30 seconds to go!" Bollocks! I swore under my breath and started running for the last 20 seconds and stopped again. I am getting used to theses funny looks from passers by! I will do it again on Saturday though.
I think I have hit my lung capacity for running at the 5 minute mark. Before I did my back in I was able to fairly comfortably run for 50 minutes. When I started this running programme back in April this year however, I struggled to run for 1 minute! I am glad 3 months off didn't get me back to where I started! I hope to pick up my running times fairly quickly and without too much effort. The days are getting colder and although very autumnal and pretty by the river I do think I need gloves and a hat! Hmm that might have to go on my Christmas list..
Food intake has been good today although I am going out for dinner tonight so it will all go to pot.

Exercise = a whopping 430 calories!
Food = so far 770 calories but I haven't had my dinner yet!

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