Monday, 24 October 2011

Caffrins get fit and slim Journey - Chapter 2

I am starting again from today. A new beginning. In the last few weeks I have been slowly reverting back to type. My piggy-self is emerging again. I have put on 5lbs since my record weight loss at the beginning of September, so I need to deal with it before I am back into my bag of big clothes that are waiting patiently to go to the charity shop.
Since I injured my back the lack of running, well of any exercise at all apart from the odd walk, is slowly creeping up and becoming part of my life again and along with it, the eating and drinking with impunity. At 5.30 in the afternoon I find myself thinking about opening a bottle of wine. In the supermarket I'm wandering down the cake and chocolate aisle wondering what would be nice while I sit with a cup of tea in front of the telly for the next few hours. I start the day counting the calories only to give up by the afternoon because I only have 95 calories left and I haven't had dinner yet! Four months ago these thoughts were, well, unthinkable! Four months ago I spent the day working out what time I could fit in a run and what we would have with our salad later on.
My back has improved greatly, although not quite back to 100%. There is still a very, very stubborn knobbly bit of muscle at the top of my left buttock that just will not go away. That is the bit that will spasm and spread if I run to far. So I am starting the whole thing again. I walked the station walk this morning of 1.36 miles jogging the last 90 seconds to the car without back pain, so that is my plan of action for this week and I will see how my back works with it. I have already lost so much fitness that I was glad to stop jogging! If that stubborn muscle eases completely I want to get back to my 5k Parkrun in January and hopefully do a 10k race next year. In the meantime I need to address my food intake again so will start listing my daily foods too.We only have just under 9 weeks to Christmas and I would like to at least get rid of 6lbs in that time. If I lose more that would be a great bonus. So keep watching this space!

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