Monday, 15 August 2011

Wk 16 - Results and Reflection

It was tough for me emotionally last week. Even though my back is feeling so much better than a couple of weeks ago (when I had to crawl to the bathroom on my hands and knees!) I still can't run or even go for a walk it seems. I can't hoover, I can't do any gardening. I can just about walk to the shops but have to be careful how much I buy in weight to carry home, I can't drive anywhere because my car is low and I can't sit for too long.
It being August, when everyone is on holiday, means work is quiet too and as I work from home there is nothing I can do to fill my time that won't set the twinges and spasms off again. I have been subjected to daytime telly and I can assure you, there is only so much of that I can take before I go completely mad! So midweek last week I felt really fed up. I can totally see how people who are incapacitated through injury get depressed. Now, I am not that sort of person. My glass is always half full so imagine my delight when I stepped on the scales this morning and they said I
lost 3lbs 11oz!!!!!
So I suppose the good thing to come out of last weeks lowness was that I didn't feel like eating much. 
I am now officially the lowest weight I have been for quite a number of years! I got an old pair of shorts out this morning and put them on, being able to do all the buttons up with ease!!! Yay!!! :-)

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