Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Wk 16, D2 - London Riots

I decided after last nights back pain that hubby should take the car to the station himself and leave it their all day. I wasn't going anywhere myself.
I was going to meet my sister for lunch in London but unfortunately we have a bunch of lawless, disrespectful, idiot youths with IQ's lower than a cockroach trashing the place. My sister lives in Croydon, South East London and on Monday night these idiots decided they would smash Croydon up including burning down what seemed like half a street of Victorian buildings holding shops with flats above. How anyone got out alive I don't know. One poor woman, pictured below, had to trust the people standing on the ground to catch here from her second floor window as her building was burning down. Thankfully, as far as I am aware, they did.

Many businesses, cars and homes across London have been destroyed and for what? If these kids where united in a cause at least we could get some kind of grasp on the situation but no. Last Thursday a known  drug dealer was shot and killed by a policeman, there followed a peaceful protest. This was not the reason the riots started, it may have been a spark that hit the flame of something brewing, or an excuse to ease the boredom of disenfranchised kids. They aren't giving any message, what they are doing is destroying lives, for kicks, hurting innocent people, destroying peoples homes and jobs - there's no job to be had in a burnt out shell. How is that going to help the economy, the people, the community? I feel like banging their heads together.

Thankfully my sister doesn't live so near the town centre to be directly affected, but she sat in her house all night with the doors locked, the lights out and listening to sirens until the early morning. Needless to say we decided to take a rain check for our lunch. For more pictures click here.

On a lighter note my back feels a lot better, still twingey but better. I hardly sat, I didn't get in or out of the car. I walked to the shops and back. I needed the hot water bottle by the evening but overall I do think it's on the mend! :-)

Exercise - walk to the shops and back but I didn't track it
Food - 1186 calories
Branflakes with milk
egg sandwich
Mint Aero (yum)

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