I got back home, stretched, had my porridge, then an hour later went out for my first 28 minute run. After a couple of weeks of cold and rain the summer appears to have returned, for the moment anyway. I got very hot and sweaty on my run but I liked that, it made me feel like I was doing something (as if running for 2 or so miles wasn't enough). I took it slowly because I didn't want to burn out towards the end and I made it to the finish with only a slight twinge in my right foot and at the end gasping for water. Note to self, take water with you when its warm outside. The river, at this point, looked very inviting. However I made a discovery by Sunbury Lock. There is a public drinking water tap! I never noticed it before. I think it's for the boats but it was a very welcome discovery!
The 28 minute run itself was not bad. After all, it's only 3 minutes longer than the runs I was doing last week. As I said I took it slowly so it was one notch on from my briskest walk. When I had run for 20 minutes though, I was concerned that I had another 8 minutes to go and was running out of energy. So I checked my foot twinge - gone, legs -they were fine, not hurting or uncomfortable, breathing - OK, posture - I straightened up a bit which helps, I do slouch, then I concentrated on my music and finally I had run for 28 minutes!! I stretched, wiped a lot of sweat from my face (I might need a sweat band too), then briskly walked the 2.7 miles back home. I was very pleased when I got back to work out I had burned approximately 905 calories! A good mornings work!!
Station run, Wk8, D1 of getrunning, walk back =905 calories burned
Porridge (see recipe)
Ryvita and 1/2 fat cheese
Burger and chips (a proper one, from the pub)
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