Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wk 8, D4, Splashing through puddles

The alarm woke me from a dream I was having where I was frantically running a cafe. All the waitresses where in a stress leaving tables dirty, not dealing with customers, not taking orders. The place was a mess. I went outside to check on the customers there and behind the door sat two of my sisters having a coffee. One asked how it was going then the alarm went off. I have it on crickets chirruping or whatever it is they do.Well, I've no idea what happens in the end now.
I was so asleep I wondered how bad it would be to just leave the car there, just this once, and risk getting a ticket. After lying there for about 5 minutes I got up and sat on the side of the bed....was that rain I could hear? I peeked through the curtains and there it was. A wet, dark, cold, miserable June morning. Now, don't get me wrong, not all British Summers are wet and cold. In fact the last 2 or 3 Junes' where stunningly hot. Not this one though, no, this one is definitely a mixture of chilly rain and warmish sunshine, in spurts which is good for the garden and not much else.
The finish line each morning.
I plodded up the road with an umbrella. It took me 23 minutes - 5 minutes longer than my fastest "sunshiney" run. I wasn't in the mood. I even took pictures on my phone to show you what it was like. Car parks aren't all that to look at at the best of times. Anyway, I got home and went back to bed for an hour. The phone woke me just after 9am. It was still bucketing down so I had breakfast and waited, and waited, and waited for the rain to stop. Eventually at midday the sky grew brighter and the rain stopped. Yes! I could go out and do my 2nd 28 minute run of the week.

The run was good. I took it slowly so I could go the distance. There were loads of puddles to skirt round and jump over. After a while I ran through a couple of them, but my foot got wet so I decided it was better not to.

There were also a lot of people fishing by the river bank today. I haven't seen that in the last 8 weeks. I wonder if fishing season has just started?

 I finished my run at 2.66 miles stretched and did a brisk walk back home. The sun actually came out on my way back. It was to be the only dry part of the day in the end. I think the person who is in charge of the weather, knew I needed to run today and do it before 3pm, so they got it sorted, so, thanks :-)

station walk, Wk 8 Day 2 of getrunning, return walk = 869 calories - would have been more if I wasn't such a 'mare this morning!
Porridge (see recipe)
Ryvitas with cottage cheese
Handful of prunes
Grilled turkey breast
Glass of wine

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