I weighed myself this morning and am considering making Friday my weigh in day as opposed to Monday. Weekends are usually fraught with eating out and drinking alcohol so by Monday morning I have the weekends' debauchery weighing heavily around my hips and stomach. If I weigh in on Friday I have a week to undo the damage done on the weekend and then I don't have to deprive myself much. Then again of course, I might decide to overdo it knowing I don't weigh in for another week. I'm not sure what to do. I know its my diet so my rules but I somehow feel like I'm cheating if I change the weigh in day. Now I'm writing this that just sounds weird. I think I will weigh in on Monday as usual, see what the scales say and then make the decision.
Oh and, just for my friends in the USA, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out the American state flags. I put this on yesterday afternoon but unfortunately they don't use my already existing flags from the world flag counter (of which I have 12 states) so there aren't many there yet. It would be great to get at least one flag from every state! Pass the word on :-)
None apart from housework and going to the shops
Porridge made with 40g oats, 200ml 1% fat milk and 10g Linwoods seeds
Tea x2
Reduced fat houmous
Cheese sandwich
Home-made Chicken fajitas (chicken, onion, bell peppers, fajitas seasoning, veg oil, wraps, natural yoghurt)
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